Tuesday 14 September 2010

Comic: Marvel Universe Vs Punisher Issue 1 and 2

The idea for this story is simple. The Marvel Universe has been infected by a virus that bears a remarkable resemblance to the virus from 28 days later. The virus makes the infected return to a primal state and was developed to allow humans to eat anything if there was ever a nuclear fallout. In the first issue Deadpool makes an appearance. Well, the infected version of him. The Punsiher says hes killed him over 30 times and he still comes back. In issue 2 the hulk makes an appearance along with patient zero. If you are going to read this comic then skip the next sentence. Patient zero is Spider-man who was the first infected and ate the Rhino. Patient Zero fights the Punisher in issue 3 however I havent picked that issue up yet. This story was created by Jonathan Marberry and artwork was done by Goran Parlov. I love the artwork in this book and in my opinion the plot is amazing. Apparently there was a rumor that this was the original idea for Marvel Zombies with The Punisher as the last infected. Instead they have released this four part series. I enjoyed the first two issues and cant wait to pick up the next two. When I do I will post another review. I give this story a 8/10 just because I would like The Punisher to be attacked by a horde of heros rather than one at a time and some of the fights are a little bit short however it is worth picking up.

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